Sunday, February 26, 2006
Prom 2006
Ok, since I recieved alot of comments on my last post about when prom is, who my date is, etc...i will enlighten you with a couple of things about prom, but i'm still not going to post a picture of my dress even though many of you want to see it, I'm still going to wait until after prom to let you see it, but i PROMISE i will post many pics of it, My school's prom is April 14, so I should have pics posted soon after.
I'm extra excited for this year's prom because the guy that I am taking to my prom is actually my boyfriend, Josh. We have been dating for almost 2 months and I can't wait for him to see my dress! Josh is a senior at North Henderson High, so he lives about 30 minutes from me which isin't that far away. I'm also going with him to his prom, sometime in May. Here is a pic of Josh and me...

Monday, February 20, 2006
Sry for not updating in a while, I guess since the delay in the adoption timeline, I just really haven't felt like updating, hopefully within the next month we will know more about when we should expect a referral.
This weekend me and my mom found my prom dress at the Castle in Spartanburg!! This year I really wanted to wear something like Cinderella, you know baby blue with a tiara...the works. So with that, we went hunting for the perfect dress. Since I have attending my school's prom every year since I was a freshman, I have had a lot of different color dresses. I have had purple, pink and last year I had gold. I have loved every dress thus far so have no doubt in my mind that this year will be the same.
I really want to make this prom extra special since this is my senior year so I figured the only way to go out with a bang is to dress like Cinderella, since she is my favorite princess (besides Mulan of course). I'm not going to post a picture of my dress until after prom so nobody will try to steal my dress, so all I am going to tell you is obviously that it is the color of Cinderellas.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Love Conquers All!!

Since we started the LONG journey to adopt from China, we have heard numerious positive and of course the inevitable negative comments from people when they hear that we are adopting a baby of another race. Throughout the process, we have been faced with many setbacks and sometimes we think that maybe this isin't meant to be.

Our family and close friends have helped reassure us, and I for one am SO GREATFUL. For those reading my blog, who have expressed their view to me, good or bad, i want to thank you for either supporting our bold desision or cutting us down, based on your opinion. Those who have helped me by being rude or just plain selfish, thanks for giving me a reason to persevere.

The moment that we finally see our precious Chloe, i'm 100% positive that EVERY hurdle that my family have been through to finally lay our eyes on our China doll, will be worth every struggle in our past, and we will finally be able to see God's reason behind it all, but until that moment, I will continue to keep my eyes on the prize and stay focused on the REAL important things in life.

~~In the end, love perseveres. For us the love of a human who will be taken from a life of poverty and be transformed into a special girl that will have the chance to accomplish whatever she wants, and to spread her wings......


Have A Little Faith In Me
By John Hiatt