Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Saving up for China!

I have been saving every penny I can on our trip to China. I want to be able to go over there and buy stuff for Chloe with MY money! I have a little bank that said Vacation Fund and had airplanes and luggage hanging from it. All I had to do was mark out Vacation and put China! Now the only problem is keeping the money IN the bank and not spending it! When school starts I figure if I don't buy much food and put the remander $$ in the bank then it would be both benefitting the trip to China AND my eating habits!!


Blogger Shannon said...

You should be proud of yourself. Learning not to spend money is something that NEVER happens to TOO MANY adults that I know!! You are going to a great big sis, I can tell just from reading your blog how excited you are. Good luck with your piggy bank!!

Blogger Kendra said...

Hey, Lindsey, the good thing is that US dollars go a long way in China. You can get a lot for your money! (Be sure to buy yourself something special while you're there too!)

Good luck saving! Hang in there!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am very impressed by you lindsey. you are such a blessing i can just tell by reading all of your posts. thanks for making a great site! sheila

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